Bonnie Brady
Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College - Spring 1996
Associate’s of Science in Family and Consumer Science
Valdosta State University - Fall 1998
Bachelor’s of Arts in Sociology and Anthropology
Coastal Plains RESA - June 2007
Cook Middle School (August 2021 - Current) ELA and Social Studies
Cook Middle School (August 2019 - July 2021) 8th Grade ELA Special Education
University of Georgia Cooperative Extension (April 2013 - August 2018) 4-H Youth County Agent
Tift County High School (August 2005 - July 2008) U.S History, World Geography, and American Government

My roots run deep in Cook County as I was born and raised north of Lenox. I have two sons, Bill and Bobby, and enjoy spending time with them in the great outdoors. I previously taught U.S. History in another school district and was the Cook County 4-H Youth Extension Agent for 5 years. I teach 8th grade Social Studies.